...just lovely poodles
Galleries > First spring ball games

Gallery: First spring ball games

Honestly, these are not games as one can imagine hearing the name. I just don't know how to translate the word we use for this activity to English. The activity when our dogs run and catch little balls (perhaps I could translate it as a "balling"). Point is that there are less balls than dogs... sometimes it looks like a rugby when one catches the ball, run back and try to dodge all others... but the most important is that all of them love it. Let's hope that you also enjoy photos of our spring balling...
Xyl, 14.3.2007
P.S. If there is a word "balling" and if it means something, please, let me know... :).
Amanda Teschiro
Beatrix Sunny Teschiro
Happyness Braunkönigin
...and we two as throwers